
November is Youth Homelessness Awareness Month

Covenant House Youth Homelessness Awareness Month

This November, Covenant House invites you to join the fight to achieve a world where every young person has access to safe housing, support, healing, and access to opportunity. We are using this time to drive attention toward youth homelessness, amplifying our boldest claim: We need to end youth homelessness.

Currently over 2,000 young people sleep safely in a Covenant House bed every night in 34 cities across six countries. But at the same time, we face the stark reality that 4.2 million young people will experience a period of homelessness this year in the U.S. alone. And that 1 in 5 young people who come to the doors of Covenant House are also survivors of human trafficking.

During this month, we will work together to address the root causes of youth homelessness, advocate for the needs of youth and young families experiencing homelessness, and take steps to prevent and end youth homelessness. 

Rachel Brosnahan, a passionate supporter — and board member — of Covenant House, is getting ready to join the Covenant House Sleep Out for the TENTH TIME, and has committed to spreading awareness throughout the month. 

Brosnahan always sleeps out with a big group of friends and says the best part of the evening is when Sleepers get to hear directly from current or former residents about the great progress they’re making on their dreams. 

Covenant House will host a variety of Sleep Out events in November to raise funds and amplify the message that no youth should ever be without a home — period. 

So, how can you show your love for young people who are enduring homelessness? 

Join a Covenant House Sleep Out 

Spend one night sleeping outside, and raise awareness and money for Covenant House programs.  Visit to find out how.

Be informed

Visit and learn more about some of the root causes of youth homelessness. 

Tune in

Because throughout this November, some of your favorite celebrities will team up with Covenant House for mission moments that will showcase the people, programs, and partners that drive this mission. They will appear on our website and our social media channels in video spotlights to challenge us all to join the fight to end youth homelessness. Once the video premieres, it will be available on demand.

  • Video Premiere Schedule:

Tuesday, Nov. 1, 6:00 p.m. ET

  • More Than A House: A Covenant House Call to End Youth Homelessness, immediately followed by Rachel Brosnahan in More Than A House Mission Moments: Safety and Mental Health, featuring Covenant House alumna Michelle from Covenant House California.

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 8:00 a.m. ET

  • More Than A House Mission Moments: Anti-Human Trafficking, featuring Stephen Colbert and Covenant House survivor leader JJ from Covenant House New York.

Tuesday, Nov. 15, 8:00 a.m. ET

  • More Than A House Mission Moments: Workforce Development, featuring John Dickerson and Covenant House alumnus Alex from Covenant House Missouri.

Wednesday, Nov. 16, 8:00 a.m. ET (BONUS CONTENT)

  • More Than A House Mission Moments: Latin America, featuring Raúl Castillo and Covenant House alumnus Juan Carlos from Covenant House Honduras.

Tuesday, Nov. 22, 8:00 a.m. ET 

  • More Than A House Mission Moments: Affordable Housing, featuring Elegance Bratton and Covenant House alumnus and Board member Nicholas from Covenant House Missouri.

Tuesday, Nov. 29, 6:00 p.m. ET

  • Our House: A Covenant House Community Declaration, featuring Audra McDonald and Covenant House alumna Givonna from Covenant House New York.


Make a contribution 

It costs approximately $111 to provide support for a newly arrived young person on their first night at Covenant House, offering the love and safety they deserve.Visit the donation page on our website to give now.

Partner with us 

Does your business have opportunities for our young people as they journey toward housing and job stability? Reach out, and we’ll connect you with our corporate partnerships team to explore how you can have a positive impact on young people at Covenant House.

Take Action on Social Media

During Youth Homelessness Awareness Month, we encourage you to share why you joined the fight to end youth homlessness. Make some noise! Youth homelessness is not acceptable! 

Please tag Covenant House in your social media posts  and use #endyouthhomelessness.

Facebook: @CovenantHouse 

Twitter: @CovenantHouse

Instagram: @covenant_house

LinkedIn: Covenant House International

Support our corporate partners

These companies have partnered with Covenant House to provide other ways for you to support our cause: 

  • Starbucks: Starbucks Rewards members can donate their "Stars" to help support Covenant House’s mission to help youth overcome homelessness.  


  • Shutterfly: Shutterfly is putting together a special holiday collection to benefit our work in ending youth homelessness. You can purchase these custom items beginning Nov. 14 through the end of the year to get the perfect holiday gifts for your friends and family and do good for the youth we serve.


  • Van Leeuwen IceCream: To support Youth Homeless Awareness Month, Van Leeuwen Ice Cream is donating $1 for every milkshake sold in the month of November at their shops across the country. Be on the lookout on social media for their Milkshake Mondays highlight videos featuring a different milkshake every week. 


  • Real Ketones: Real Ketones firmly believes that our young people can be their best selves with just a little bit of support, and that’s what drew their team to our work. This year Real Ketones has committed to fighting youth homelessness with us by supporting our programs and promoting our work. 


  • Edrington: Covenant House is featured in the “Wrapped In Good” holiday campaign where Edrington brands will have a gift tag with a QR code where customers can redeem $5 vouchers for one of the featured charities. The team at Edrington is taking their commitment even further by joining the Covenant House Sleep Out on Nov. 17 to raise awareness and critical funds to support Covenant House.  


  • L’AmyAmerica is an innovative eyewear company that wants everyone to see a bright future for themselves. They’ve committed $15,000 from the sale of eyeglass frames to support our work.


  • Faribault Mill started their Spread the Warmth campaign this year and is donating  handcrafted blankets to organizations fighting homelessness, including Covenant House. 


This month, we will light a path toward ending youth homelessness in the countries where we work, leading with our community, our data-informed approaches, and our experience until the issues that drive youth homelessness are exposed and changed and no young person is left without a safe place to sleep.

To anyone who’s never been a Sleeper, Patrick echoes that sentiment, sending the message, “One hard night is worth it. Everyone deserves a safe space to sleep.”

Shelter Is Only the Beginning

From crisis to care: Find out what it's like when a young person enters our doors.